I have to show off my fiance's attempt at his DIY project!  I'm so proud of his work!  Months ago we agreed on making shell boutonnieres and actually finished that project months ago, but then he came across this:
This fun and funky bout. was found on peppermint cloud's Etsy shop.  This picture inspired the fiance to create his own version.  He was all about this project!  He dragged me shopping on Friday for the materials and then he finished it this evening!  Here's the first prototype: 
Cute huh?  Thanks to Peppermint Cloud for inspiring my fiance to DIY!  Anything that inspires him to participate in our wedding planning gets me excited even if its a change in plans!
Sorry I just had to add another picture, just because I'm so proud of him!  Has your Fi been inspired to DIY or participated in your wedding planning?