     We just got back from our Catholic Engaged Encounter retreat and it was AMAZING, truly an enlightening experience not just for me, but for the fiance too!  For those that don't know what EE is, it's a time to reflect on your relationship with each other and what marriage means for the both of you.  This retreat is required by most Catholic Diocese if you wish to get married under the Catholic Church, but in my opinion should be done for all engaged couples.  I will say, that in the beginning there may have been a little hesitation coming into this weekend, but now I'll recommend doing this to any marrying couple I know.    
     During this retreat, all the couples (all 21 of them) "put it all out on the table," if you will, to their significant other (in private, not publicly).  We all expressed our feelings about our expectations, doubts (if any), and our goals as husband and wife.  This retreat was just a weekend event but we gained a lifetime of useful knowledge.      
     In between our Saturday session, we had a couple of hours to roam the grounds to reflect on our experience so far or further discuss topics that needed more attention.  Jeff and I knew that we were in the right track as far as our goals for our future so we had a little play time.
     Because my fiance is so sweet, he decided to pick flowers (or weeds), funny huh? 
     He can make anything so beautiful to me!  He truly has a kind heart and I am so blessed to have him in my life!  This weekend just reaffirms that I have made the best decision in my life, to marry the man that God has meant for me to be with!

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