The fiance had a craving for chocolate chip cookies and had the brilliant idea of making them instead of buying them from Whole Foods like we normally do!  So we found a chocolate chip cookie recipe from Food Network, noticed that we had all the ingredients and it was listed as "easy," so why not!  This also gave us a chance to bust out our new registry gifts that we accumulated from our wedding shower! 
     I did the mixing (thanks Carl & Charisma for the mixer), so that I wouldn't get my hands dirty.  Can't mess up the manicure (I know, so girly right?!)  I left the messy work to Jeff, he molded the dough and placed them on our new Calphalon cookie sheets (thanks Joyce & Paul)!
It only took about 12 minutes and they were done!  The whole house smelt of sweet heaven!  The cookies were calling my name as they sat on the new cookie rack (thanks again Joyce & Paul)!
After cooling off, Jeff and I indulged in a couple of cookie goodness!  YUMMY!  Baking together was actually fun, but not the cleaning up part!  
Did you use your wedding gifts prior to your wedding?

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